Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment

A New Therapy for Diabetic Eye Disease – Reversing Diabetic Retinopathy

This therapy has been through trials and has been shown to demonstrate clinical repair in 66% of patients with no associated complications. Noctura400 has been evaluated in patients with;

  • Mild to moderate non-proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
  • Early, untreated and progressive Diabetic Macular Oedema
  • Moderate Proliferative Diabetic retinopathy
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Noctura 400 Therapy Consultation

The Noctura 400 consultation is an in depth assessment to determine your suitability for this monitored therapy. You will be assessed by a Noctura accredited Optometrist. Please bring the following with you.

  • Latest report from your diabetic eye screening
  • History of any treatment to your eyes
  • Name of your GP
  • Name of your Diabetic Retinopathy Consultant Ophthalmologist (if applicable)
  • Latest report from your Diabetic Retinopathy Doctor (Ophthalmologist)

A dilated examination is performed to assess the retina in detail. Please make sure you are not driving as the drops will make your vision blurry and you will experience glare from sunlight and on coming headlights. Bring some sunglasses with you if you have some. 

The 3D retinal scan is used to assess the retina at a level of detail not possible using photography or the naked eye, being able to “see” your retinal nerves at a microscopic level. We are able to assess changes in diabetic maculopathy with this device. If also means we can refer you to your eye doctor much sooner than standard photography as we are able to pick up changes well before they show up on retinal photos.

3D retinal scan

Watch how Noctura 400 works to treat diabetic retinopathy

Does my Diabetic Retinopathy Doctor know about Noctura 400?

In our experience so far, it is more likely than not that your Diabetic Retinopathy Doctor may not know about the Noctura 400 therapy. This can be because it is not really available on the NHS and is relatively new.

However, we want to keep all your eye health team involved in your eye care in the loop, and we encourage you to let them know about this therapy. Every patient whop starts treatment is given a letter to pass to their GP and their Diabetic Retinopathy Consultant, if they have one.

Should I refuse any treatments while I am on Noctura 400 therapy?

You should definitely not refuse any treatments recommended by your Diabetic Retinopathy Consultant. Noctura 400 works in unison with any other treatment you have been advised.

Cost of Noctura 400 therapy

Noctura 400 therapy costs £300 every 12 weeks of therapy. The Mask will stop working after 12 weeks so you will need to order your replacement mask before your current one runs out.

You also have the option of joining the Noctura Plan which costs £105 a month and includes 2 in-clinic examinations a year and and automatic delivery of your next mask so their is no break in your therapy.

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