IPL for Dry Eyes

Dedicated to the treatment of eye dryness in its evaporative form resulting from meibomian gland dysfunction. E-Eye IRPL technology is non-invasive, painless and does not harm the eye.

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treatment has been used for various conditions, including dry eyes. While IPL treatment may be beneficial for some individuals with dry eyes, it is important to note that its effectiveness can vary depending on the underlying causes of the dryness.

Dry eyes can be caused by factors such as insufficient tear production, poor tear quality, or increased tear evaporation. IPL treatment for dry eyes primarily targets the function of the meibomian glands, which are responsible for producing the oily layer of tears that helps prevent tear evaporation.

Dry eyes can be caused by factors such as insufficient tear production, poor tear quality, or increased tear evaporation. IPL treatment for dry eyes primarily targets the function of the meibomian glands, which are responsible for producing the oily layer of tears that helps prevent tear evaporation.

IPL treatment works by delivering pulses of light to the meibomian glands, which can improve their function. The light energy can help unclog and stimulate the glands, leading to an increase in the production of the oily layer of tears and potentially reducing dryness.

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How does IPL treat dry eye?

The IRPL technology delivered by the E-Eye device has a neuro-stimulatory effect on the parasympathetic nerve which is located in the zygomatic and bulborbital area that supplies the Meibomian glands. This has the effect of improving glandular secretions, stabilising the tear-film and possibly regenerating the Meibomian glands.

Does IPL for dry eye work?

Prospective , double-masked, parallel-group, randomised, placebo controlled trials have shown significant decreases in symptomology scores and meibomian gland capping as well as increase lipid layer thickness. There are a number of research papers available showing the value of IPL in the treatment of evaporative dry eye.

How long does IPL dry eye treatment take?

An E-Eye treatment session takes 30 minutes with the treatment itself taking a few minutes. You will be comfortably seated on the chair and given metal eye protectors to wear. An optical gel will be applied to your cheeks and temples. A series of flashes are then applied around your eye and then repeated around your other eye. Following your IPL treatment we also perform Meibomian gland expression as this is a good time to express and clear the Meibomian gland orifices.

How can IPL damage eyes?

E-Eye intense pulsed light therapy is safe when used by your eye care professional. The eye protectors are designed to shield your eyes and protect them. E-Eye IRPL is delivering its benefits to your eye lids. This treatment uses an intense light that can damage your eyesight if not used correctly. Premises utilising these types of therapies require special treatment licences in order to provide these therapies. You safety is our primary concern. You will be consented for the treatment after being assessed to be suitable for this therapy.

Other treatment approaches for dry eyes include artificial tear drops, prescription eye drops, lifestyle changes, warm compresses, and dietary modifications. The effectiveness of IPL treatment can vary from person to person, so it’s essential to discuss the potential benefits and risks with your eye care provider to make an informed decision.

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