Blepharitis Treatment in West London. Blepharitis is a very common condition in which the eyelids become inflamed. The symptoms of blepharitis can be very similar to those of dry eye disease which can be extremely uncomfortable. Your eyelids and eyelashes may be slightly crusty or look quite similar to dandruff.
There are two main causes of blepharitis the first one is caused by the bacterial colonies that proliferate in the presence of dead skin cells and scurf at the base of the eyelashes. Ordinarily, the surface skin bacteria do not cause a response as their numbers are low. Changes to skin cells and oils alters the balance. This represents a good meal for the bacteria and their feasting produces ever larger quantities of toxins.
The surrounding skin then shows an inflammatory response due to the presence of these bacterial colonies. Different people have variable responses to this so you may have relatively mild crusting yet still show a response, whereas someone else may only show a response from heavy crusting.
Demodex blepharitis treatment
Another type of blepharitis is cause by a mite called demodex. Again we all have things that live on our bodies but so long as they behave themselves and don’t overpopulate, our bodies don’t mind. Demodex mites live in the hair follicles of your eyelids. They become very common as we age and that’s when they can cause a problem.
Again, localised inflammation is triggered around the eyelid area. Further to this, with demodex the effects can be more wide spread. Acne Rosacea is linked to demodex. It is characterised by redness of the cheeks due to an increase in superficial blood vessels becoming engorged and visible. The demodex come out of their sleepy holes at night and wonder around the face feeding on skin cells and sebum. The toxins released cause the inflammation.
Can you feel Demodex mites on your skin?
Demodex mites can not be felt on the skin but their effects sure can be experienced. At night they leave their follicle hideaways and travel around the face feeding and mating. As you are asleep, you are unlikely to feel them moving around.
There are two types of Demodex mite, D. Folliculorum and D. Brevis. Folliculorum is 0.4mm and feeds on skins cells living around the eyelids and eye lashes while Brevis is half the size at 0.2mm and feeds on sebum secretions. Demodicosis is the over population of demodex mites that causes symptoms. Older adults are more likely to have problems as the demodex populations increase with age.
How to know if you have demodex mites?
It is difficult to know yourself unless your symptoms are quite severe and even then you may not know for sure. A trained eye care professional is able to use a special microscope called a slit-lamp to check individual eyelash follicles for demodex infestation. They can can advise you on the best course of action.
Depending on your symptoms, the type of blepharitis you have, you may be advised a number of different therapies.